The Duo

Dúo DitiramboDuo Ditirambo is formed by violist Noelia Gómez and guitarist Alfonso Aguirre Dergal, both winners of numerous international prizes and awards individually. The duo was founded in 2008 while Noelia and Alfonso were completing their graduate studies at Yale University´s School of Music. Since then, the duo has received international accolades. Their performances include recitals as well as solo concerto appearances at music festivals, on concert series and TV broadcasts in various countries.

Dúo Ditirambo has performed in Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, United States and Mexico in venues such as IV “Borguitar” Festival, II Festival Internacional de Guitarra Hospitalet de l’Infant, XXXII Festival Internacional de Música “Manuel de Falla”, V Festival Internacional de Guitarra “Ciudad de Caravaca”, XXIII Jornadas de Música Contemporánea de Segovia, XXV Festival International des Cordes Pincées de Rabat, Yale Guitar Extravaganza 2016, UK Internacional Guitar Series, XVII Festival Internacional de Guitarra de Taxco, XXXIX Festival de Guitarra de Paracho, IX Festival Internacional de Guitarra “Ramón Noble”, XI Festival Internacional de Guitarra de Sonora, II Festival Nuntempa de Música Contemporánea, XXVIII Festival Cultural de Zacatecas, among others.

The Duo has soloed in USA with the American Wind Smphony Orchestra conducted by Robert A. Boudreau and in Spain with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Segovia under conductor Álvaro Mendía in the Alcázar de Segovia (Segovia´s Castle).

The duo has premiered original works for this combination by composers such as Marisa Manchado, Carlos Alberto Vázquez, Mario Gosálvez Blanco, Fernando Buide del Real, Leonardo Coral, Flores Chaviano, Leticia Armijo and Claudia Herrerías, among others.

Their album Perpetuum Mobile has been reviewed as “a great album… bright and elegant, with an evocative and melancholic mood that gives it immense beauty…” (Histéricas Grabaciones, Spain, 2016).